middle school curriculum night, halloween decorations, another birthday party

 last tuesday was curriculum night at azalea's school. she attended as a web leader to help parents navigate the hallways and we brought along ashford too even though it's mostly just for parents. he may go there next year, so i figure its good exposure for him. it was nice to meet her teachers and hear what they are learning this year. i can't believe it's her last year there. we also decorated for halloween because it was october 1st! 

last week was another week of no soccer practice for azalea because she had to miss tuesday night and then thursday night got cancelled. i should also mention that ashford and arlo were supposed to go back to karate at the beginning of october, but we made the tough decision to let them quit because their hearts just were not in it. 

thursday morning kay and i met with the kindergarten grade reps who are taking over the planning of the fall festival this year. i think we sufficiently scared them. haha! 

friday i met kay at school to organize the 5th grade donations for the teacher's lounge (snacks and drinks) for the month of october. then we went out for lunch at 'kiss cafe.' thatcher was at the property all day. in the evening i met up with my friend steph from the co-working space board we both used to be on. we get together every few months and it's always nice to catch up with her. we sat in the bar area of 'rays' and it made me wonder why i don't go there for happy hour more often! 

saturday morning we got to sleep in, which was nice. in the afternoon, ashford's friend raleigh came over for a few hours and azalea headed to her friend bridget's cookie-decorating birthday party. i managed to get a picture of her cute outfit, which was the same outfit i wished i had photographed a couple weeks ago. 

she was gone for 5 hours and had a great time! we made tacos for dinner and then watch 'harry potter 6'. ashford started complaining his throat hurt at bedtime. dun dun dunnnn.

sunday morning ashford woke us up at 6am saying he couldn't sleep because of his throat. so, i gave him some tylenol and he managed to fall back asleep for a while. i decided to take him to urgent care to get tested for strep/flu because we have guests coming in town this week! he tested negative for those, and we had covid in august, so the doctor said it's likely not that. thatcher took azalea to her soccer game at garfield high. they ended up tying the other team 0-0. i stayed home with ashford and watched 'when harry met sally' while he played video games. he felt really sick in the evening, couldn't even eat his dinner, and slept on the couch for most of the evening. poor boy. 

he's staying home from school today. never a dull moment :) 


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