alaska visitors, grandma jan arrives, la conner overnight

 last monday ashford was home from school. i tend to take it easy on my kids' sick days as well. i watched 'a man called otto' and gave him lots of snuggles while he slept. he was way sicker than when he had covid in august. 

tuesday ashford was home from school again. but he was on the up and up, so we were hopeful for a return to school on wednesday. i mentioned a while back that thatcher's aunt and uncle were going to be in town from alaska last week (as part of a longer trip to OR/WA). they were going to stay with us for two nights, but we let them know over the weekend that ashford was sick and they opted to get a hotel instead. a bummer all around with the timing of this sickness, but what can you do? tuesday evening, a doctor called from urgent care to tell us that ashford's 72 hour strep test was positive! we had 40 mins before the pharmacy closed, so thatcher dashed over there to pick up the antibiotics. the doctor said he could go to school on wednesday because he shouldn't be contagious anymore. 

wednesday ashford was back to school. wahoo! thatcher took the morning off work, and he and i went to pike place market with georgianne and randy. they just opened a new waterfront area in front of the market and it's so beautiful! 

we parted ways for the afternoon and then our whole family met up with georgianne and randy for dinner at 'tutta bella' in wallingford. azalea and i are becoming regulars there :) dinner was great and i'm so glad we could spend time with them even though strep throat tried to thwart our plans. it has been 4 years since we last saw them. 

thursday morning i finished prepping for my mom to come in town. we were relieved to hear that her florida house suffered minimal damage after hurricane milton. it's always stressful waiting to hear. in the evening, thatcher picked up my mom at the airport and ashford and i attended curriculum night at ashford's school. of course these things tend to always fall on the same day on the calendar. we had spaghetti once my mom and thatcher got back from the airport. we were happy to see her! 

friday the kids had the day off school for a teacher in-service day. thatcher took the day off work so he and i could go on a little kid-free overnight to the town of la conner. we left after lunch and stopped in mount vernon on the way up for coffee and a treat. and we also stopped at christianson's nursery. 

we got to la conner in the late afternoon, checked into the lodge and enjoyed the fireplace in our room. we stayed at this lodge in 2020 and we were excited to go back. 

then we walked around town and went in some of the shops. we kept laughing because we were the youngest people there by about 35 years. 

  we (well, i) did a wine tasting at the wine shop next door and then we grabbed dinner at a tavern on the water. it was a little chilly out, but there were heat lamps on the patio and it felt great.

 we ended the night with the most gorgeous sunset i've seen in a long time. what a treat! 

 my mom took the kids to 'lockspot cafe' for dinner back in seattle.

saturday morning we got ready, had breakfast at the lodge, and then walked to a coffee shop in town. we took our coffee for a walk through the neighborhoods overlooking the main street. it was only in the upper 40s out, but the sunshine made for a perfect fall morning. 

we checked out of the lodge and drove to a county park to walk along the water. 

next we stopped in a town called edison that we surprisingly have not been to yet. it was cute. 

we also stopped at a blueberry farm to get some of our favorite blueberry jam.

 our last stop was mount vernon again. there was a farmer's market going on, so we got some lunch before heading back to seattle. after we got home, thatcher took my mom to check out a public garden in north seattle. we made pizza for dinner. 

sunday morning thatcher made us waffles, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. azalea had a soccer game in georgetown, so my mom and i took her to that. her team won 5-3 for the first time this season, so it was really exciting. now their record is 1-2-2. the game was over lunch time, so when it finished, we headed to 'elysian brewing' near the stadiums. it was a fun little outing with just the 3 of us :) 

ashford had arlo and fritz over for the afternoon. we made greek chicken pita sandwiches for dinner and got ready for the week ahead. i'm realizing after writing this post that we have no pictures of grandma jan yet - better work on that! 


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