pta meeting, luminata, pet duty

 last monday evening i had my first PTA meeting of the year. it was just a small one for parents with active PTA volunteer roles, the big fall general meeting will be later this month. kay and i are definitely feeling like we have senioritis with it being our last year at the school and our last year being grade reps. there are lots of changes taking place and we only need to be sort of invested in them. but there's also a lot of special 5th grade stuff to have to plan. it's bittersweet. 

azalea had soccer practice tuesday and thursday evening. 

friday afternoon ashford and i headed to arlo and rebekah's house with some of his buddies and their moms for a hang out in the yard. it was a beautiful fall-ish night. we had appetizers and followed by pizza and we were home by 7:30 :) 

when we got home, thatcher and the kids watched 'the hunger games' and i read in my bed. a perfect night! 

saturday morning the kids and i had pet duty at kay's house while their family is out of town. she's paying the kids to feed their cats, clean the litter box, change out water in the frog and lizard tanks, and water some plants. they did a great job (with my help) :) we spent most of the afternoon at home, but thatcher and i escaped for a walk down to the locks because it was such a beautiful day.

 in the evening, we headed to 'uneeda burger' for dinner and then took the kids to a special event that thatcher and i stumbled upon last year and couldn't wait to go to again. it's held at green lake each year on the fall equinox and it's called 'luminata'. there are probably a 1000 or more people there all dressed up in lights for a procession around the lake after dark. the outfits are so creative and fun to see. there's also drummers and dancers. the kids were skeptical about going, but i think they enjoyed it. 

sunday morning we had waffles, eggs, and bacon for breakfast and then the kids and i headed back to kay's for our second (and last) day of pet duty. ashford had trent and arlo over in the afternoon. i took azalea to her soccer game, which was all the way across the city in magnuson. it was sort of a rough game, they lost 3-8. her team has shrunk this season and as a result they usually don't have any subs during the games, and they get so tired. hopefully they will get a win soon to help their morale :) thatcher made ribs for dinner while we were gone, and they were so nice to come back to! 


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