more fall baking, building bbq, weekend friend time

 last weekend azalea asked if she could bake something (hint: pumpkin flavored again - ha!). we ran out of time on the weekend, but last monday after school she got to work making pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting. and they were good! she brought a bunch to school the next day for her friends. 

tuesday thatcher invited me to go out for lunch with him and three of his co-workers after they finished up a meeting in our neighborhood. it was fun because i never get to spend time with his co-workers who i hear so much about. we had thai at 'pestle rock' and it was really delicious. azalea had no soccer practice all week because it was a bye weekend, and her coach wanted to give them a break.  

wednesday ashford had fritz over after school and azalea went to boys and girls club. 

thursday evening i had the big fall PTA general meeting. after 3 years of kay and i planning the annual 'fall festival' at school (an event we started coming out of covid), it has been handed over to the kindergarten grape reps because kay and i will have a lot of big stuff to plan in the spring for 5th grade. 

friday evening we had a bbq with our building neighbors (there are only 3 of them). we did it last year too and it's really nice to get together for a meal and catch up. cory hosted it in his backyard which is below our deck. he grilled delicious salmon skewers, and we sat around the fire pit after dinner. 

saturday morning thatcher was up dark and early to head to our property. he planted a couple more trees. today is the 2 year anniversary of closing on the land. i'm proud of what we (mostly thatcher) have accomplished during that time and i'm excited for us to move into the next phase of building, whenever that will be. 

the kids did not really sleep in, so it was a bit of a long morning. we went to the grocery store and the library. in the afternoon i took ashford and fritz to their friend starryn's for a sleepover with two other buddies. ashford's friends have the nicest parents and are always happy to host big groups of wild boys at their houses. they went to a movie and out for pizza. she sent this cute pic: 

azalea and i decided to have our own little dinner date. she chose 'tutta bella' in wallingford. the food was so good and it was so nice to spend that time with her. 

when we got home, she played video games and thatcher and i watched a movie. 

sunday morning thatcher made us pancakes, eggs, and bacon. ashford was at starryn's until noon. we hung out at home all morning. in the afternoon, we all went to 'webster park' to meet our friends yiling and quintilius for a little playdate. Q just turned two and loves my kids. it was nice to catch up with them and the weather was perfect. 

we hung out at home the rest of the day. ashford was tired from his sleepover. 


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