new karate belt, fall decor, spirit halloween outing

we had a very rainy week around here last week followed by a beautiful sunny weekend. monday night ashford had karate class and received his new belt (white with a black stripe). he will begin his new class this week. 

azalea had soccer practice tuesday night. it started pouring right as it ended. i had the PTA fall general meeting at school on thursday night. 

on friday afternoon my friend erica came over after work. she recently started working at azalea's school, so it was fun to catch up with her. ashford had a birthday party at a classmate's house at 7pm that night and i lost track of time while talking to erica and almost forgot until ashford reminded me at 6:55. oops! at least it was only a few blocks away. thatcher was up at our property for the day and didn't get home until 8:30. 

i finally put out some fall decor last week...which only lasted for a few days before the halloween stuff came out yesterday :) 

saturday morning we all slept in, which was nice. i took ashford to his haircut appointment in the late morning. in the afternoon, ashford went to the park to hang out with arlo and ended up at his house for a couple of hours. azalea and i took a trip to the library and starbucks (our weekly date) :) it was beautiful weather over the weekend, 60s and sunny. in the evening the four of us went to 'uneeda burger' for dinner. the kids were not thrilled with our choice, but sometimes we get to pick! then we watched a movie to end the night. 

sunday marked october 1st! wow. in the morning we made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. then i took azalea, ashford, and sisi to spirit halloween in northgate. it's always a fun outing. azalea and simone are coordinating their costumes this year. we all enjoyed the spooky animatronics. 

in the afternoon thatcher took azalea to her soccer game. they lost 1-4, so that was a bummer. their record is 2-2 now. ashford and i hung out at home and relaxed for the afternoon. i got out our halloween decor and ashford helped me put it up. 

we ended the night with spaghetti, showers, and youtube. :) 


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