blogiversary, birthday party, first baseball game,
before i get to my usual recap, i have to mention that my blog turned 13 years old last week. i carry your heart is a teenager! i have written 1,139 posts in that amount of time...dang! i love that any time i'm trying to remember when we did something, i can easily find it on here. i also love re-reading my old posts to see what we were up to 1, 2, 3+ years ago and how much our lives have changed. i try to keep it as a memory book for the most part, rather than a not every detail of our lives gets shared. i do like some privacy after all ;)
last week was back to business as usual around here. school, work, baseball, play dates, and rain. it's finally going to warm up and dry out a bit this week and i am so ready for it!
last tuesday ashford had baseball practice which turned into an impromptu scrimmage with another team who's opposing team didn't show up.
thursday night was supposed to be ashford's first official game, but it got rained out. (shocking). it will be made up on a later date.
friday azalea had her friend penny over after school. after she left, we scrounged up some leftovers for dinner and watched a movie with the kids.
we had a very busy weekend (for us). i know some people's weekends are always like this, but it felt crazy compared to the winter months where we would maybe have one thing over the course of the entire weekend. saturday morning we hung out at home through lunch time. then we all left to take ashford to a birthday party for his friend starryn at 'elevated sportz' in mill creek. while he was at the party, we took azalea to REI to get her a new bike. her last bike was purchased for her 7th birthday and she has long outgrown it. ashford also needs a new bike. after we get him one, i'm excited to be able to go on bike outings as a family again. ashford had a blast running around at the party with his friends and eating donuts.
after the party we had to race back to our house for him to get ready for his first baseball game of the season. (thankfully it was dry!)
his game was at the ballard community center. it's the first year of kid pitch, which is exciting (and scary - ha). they played really well, but they lost 8-9. lots of walked batters, but ashford actually managed to hit a single. it was so fun to watch and i'm looking forward to the next one(s) this week.
sunday was another busy day. we made our usual big breakfast in the morning and then we dropped off ashford at arlo's house and headed to interbay for azalea's soccer game. it was nice that thatcher and i could go together to watch her. her game was at the fancy stadium again. they lost 0-2 but they played hard. in the afternoon ashford had baseball pictures at the ballard community center. and then he went to fritz's for a play date. we made another lazy dinner because we were all exhausted. whew!