camp week turned sick week

 i mentioned the kids had their first week of the summer of boys and girls club day camp last week. ashford was in a class with four of his buddies and azalea had a couple friends in hers as well. this is her last year she can be a camper there. gulp. 

they both went on monday and tuesday and i enjoyed my first day(s) to myself in 6 weeks. ;) i did my bookkeeping work, went to the gym, went out for coffee and to goodwill with vanessa, and cleaned the house. i also had my first ever mammogram. hello 40! 

wednesday morning ashford woke up congested. he didn't have a fever, but i decided to test him for covid because it's been everywhere lately. sure enough it was positive right away. siiiiigh. i kept him home. everyone else in our house was feeling healthy. august 7th would have been my dad's 69th birthday, so i got a slice of french silk pie (his favorite) in his honor. 

thursday azalea went to camp and ashford and i hung out at home. his symptoms were almost non-existent. i had to cancel my plans with some friends, which was a bummer. i picked up scooters for lunch (masked) and brought it home for him and me. 

friday morning i decided to test ashford again because he seemed completely back to normal. he had a super faint line, so i let him go to camp with a mask on. after thatcher got home, we made dinner and then he and i went on our nightly neighborhood walk together. we've done this almost every night since we got back from minneapolis and it's been so nice. 

saturday morning azalea woke up congested so i tested her and sure enough, positive for covid. thankfully her symptoms were mild as well. thatcher and i were still feeling healthy and testing negative. we made pancakes, sausage and eggs for breakfast. i decided to go out (masked) to look for a new chair for our living room. our current chair was purchased in 2014 when we re-furnished our living room in minneapolis. it's been a great chair, but it's pretty worn out and i was ready for a change. i had already looked at a couple stores with no luck. i went to homegoods and stumbled upon my dream chair. it was more than i would normally spend, but i had some birthday money, so i decided to go for it. thatcher and i went back in the afternoon to pick it up and i'm so excited about it. 

the old chair

the new chair 

we spent the rest of the day at home. we made chicken gyros for dinner and thatcher and i took another walk. the sunset was beautiful. we've been on the cusp of wildfire smoke here, but it hasn't gotten too bad (yet?). i was supposed to go to a 50th birthday party for a friend on saturday night that i had been looking forward to all summer, but i decided not to take the risk of passing covid to others. such a bummer. 

sunday morning thatcher was up bright and early to go to the property. the weather also cooled down and it felt like fall. the kids and i spent another day at home, azalea felt mostly fine, but we wanted to keep the germs to ourselves. lots of screen time and surprisingly some reading for ashford. he hasn't read for pleasure in yeaaaaaars but he pulled out an old chapter book he liked and re-read it. i'll take it! thatcher picked up thai take out on his way back into town. he also brought me these beautiful flowers just because :) 

it's a no-camp week this week, which is good considering we're still trying to get everyone back to normal. so over this! 


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