the last week of school, azalea's graduation, father's day

 we made it! school is done for the year, azalea has finished elementary school. and we are flying to prague tonight! 

last week was spent getting a filling at the dentist, running lots errands, preparing for my (almost full) absence from my job for 2 weeks, and celebrating the end of the school year. 

friday was the last day of school for ashford and graduation for azalea! her school only does graduation/moving up ceremony at the end of their final year there, which i think makes it really special. before we left the house, i had to do the first day of 2nd/5th and last day of 2nd/5th comparison. yep, they've grown! :) 

ashford's last day was pretty much a pajama/movie watching party. but he refused to wear pajamas ;) 

the graduation ceremony was at 9:15 and let me paint you a picture of the weather seattle bestowed upon us. 55 degrees, windy, cold. i wore my rain coat and was shivering. summer, where are you?! the ceremony itself last about an hour and was really sweet, but it was hard to hear the teachers as the microphones sounded muffled. thankfully we could hear the 70 graduates sing the school song as well as "seasons of love". i may have teared up a few times.



 after the ceremony, all of the families headed to golden gardens for a picnic and celebration. i changed into my winter coat before we left, which is pretty depressing in mid june, but here we are! these seattle kids are hearty and weren't fazed at all by the chilly wind and freezing water. they had a blast!

they were digging up a gooey duck which i had never even heard of. i guess we still have a lot to learn about the pnw! 

the younger kids got out of school an hour early and then we all headed to my friend rebekah's with a few other friends for more celebrating - ice cream sundaes for the kids!

we came home at dinner time and let azalea chose our takeout. she chose chipotle :) then she opened a couple small gifts from us and the grandparents. we got her a kindle tablet so she can read a bunch on our trips without having to bring the actual books.

saturday we mostly prepped for the trip and ran errands. 

sunday was father's day. we kept things low key after a crazy month that is about to get crazier :) we made waffles, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. we did more packing, cleaning, and errand running. i didn't even take a picture, so i'll just use this one from thatcher's first father's day. 

i thought of my dad a lot on sunday. some days i still can't believe he's gone and some days it feels like he's been gone for a decades. give your dad a hug for me if you are still able.


Carol said…
Congratulations on graduation (she looks so grown up!) and have a wonderful trip!

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