valentines day recap and vacation prep

rare saturday post, but i wanted to wrap up some february happenings before we hop on a plane to florida tomorrow morning!! i can't believe it's almost here.

the kids had a fun valentines day at school. they got cards/treats from their classmates and teachers and had a little celebration. they showed me their valentines when they got home. azalea's were especially fun to look at since the kids in her class had to write a full sentence compliment for each other. her peers said she is "kind to every one, smart, has a great laugh and sense of humor, and fun, colorful fashion." all reasons that i love my girl too :) here are their valentines before they went off to school:

we didn't make anything special for dinner, but thatcher made a chocolate souffle for dessert (a valentine's tradition for 7+ years now), and it was delicious. 
he also got me these beautiful flowers:  

i always get the kids a little gift. this year was some candy and these mini squishmallows, which they loved. 

we had our final virtual middle school info night on thursday. it was actually a Q&A with former students from the elementary school who go to the various middle schools in the area. it was really fun to hear their take on what middle school is like. we also submitted the 'school choice' form for azalea to request a spot at the K-8 school. even if she gets a spot, it doesn't mean we are locked in, so we can make a decision later this spring. 

i spent the second half of this week getting ready for our trip. it's nice to be packing summer clothes that we aren't wearing right now. after a fairly "cool" last month, florida is delivering us the most perfect weather i could dream up for a week of fun in the sun.

friday night we picked up takeout from sopranos for dinner and watched a movie with the kids. they are making their way through all of the "ice age" movies....and there are like 6! they are pretty funny and entertaining, thankfully.  

this morning azalea and i took a trip to the library. then she had a futsal game. in the afternoon she and i went to get pedicures (her second time doing it). last time i took her was our last trip to florida in 2019. we are pretty much packed and ready to go. the alarm is set for 4:30 am tomorrow.


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