ashford at 4

the older my kids get, the less frequently i do "snap shot" posts about them. ashford turned 4 over a month ago, but he just had his well check ups in the last couple weeks, so i thought i'd jot down some things about him while i'm thinking of it. i just re-read azalea's 4 year old post. it's so fun to compare them at the same age. i thought i'd write his in the same exact format.

these were his stats at his check up:

weight: 36 lbs (55th percentile)
height: 40 inches tall (39th percentile)

that is the same exact height as azalea at age 4 and 1 pound heavier. it was the first doctor's appointment i can remember that he was visibly nervous about. he normally doesn't worry at all, so it caught me off guard. he was most concerned about them looking in his ears. haha. and getting a shot (which he's always been a rockstar for). he ended up doing great for everything, but he was a little goofy answering the doctor's questions. i'm so thankful for my healthy boy. i try so hard not to take it for granted. he did however get a fever from his vaccines, but it only last for a day.

~ appearance ~

hair: i've been noticing his hair is getting much darker as he gets older! he still has some crazy light blonde on top, but the new stuff is growing in dark blonde. feels like the end of an era. i'm still getting used to the frequency that boys need their hair cut, compared to girls.

eyes: both kids have blue eyes! genetics are weird :)

clothes: ashford is all about comfort at age 4. he no longer will wear jeans or really any kind of pants besides sweatpants. oh well. he also has fallen in love with super hero shirts (even though he knows very little about the characters). he rotates between his 2 batman and 1 spiderman shirts most often. wearing size 4! and size 9-10 in shoes.

~ daily routine ~

sleep: goes to sleep between 7:30 and 8:15 generally and wakes up anywhere between 6:45 and 7:30. hasn't taken regular naps since turning 3. he will occasionally fall asleep in the car or even at home if the tiredness catches up with him. i actually prefer that he doesn't nap, otherwise bed time is tough with him. unlike his sister who napped every day of her life until kindergarten ;)

getting ready: he can be a bit of a bear in the morning. sometimes he gets up before he is fully awake and it leads to melting down/fights at the breakfast table. he and azalea always eat breakfast first thing. on the week days they also have to go potty and get dressed before they are allowed to watch tv. i'm not sure if i mentioned it on here, but ashford stopped wearing diapers to bed back in september and he's done great - no accidents!

breakfast: always yogurt! and also either toast, frozen waffle, or less frequently cereal. sometimes he likes to steal some of dad's eggs too.
lunch: most common lunch for him is a cheese quesadilla. he also likes mac n cheese, peanut butter and/or jam sandwiches, turkey, fruit, apple sauce, etc.
dinner: generally eats we we are eating, but he is definitely more picky and vocal about it than azalea was a 4. i feel like the only dinners he actually gets excited for is pancakes and sometimes pizza. most nights he says "i don't like that! i don't want to eat that!" but he eats most of he can have dessert ;) such a stinker.
snacks: this kid could live on snacks alone. he asks for one about 20 times a day and we often fight about it. he loves crackers - goldfish, graham crackers, ritz. he also loves fruit pouches, craisens, grapes and berries, and granola bars.
drinks: mostly drinks water with his meals. he does like milk (white and chocolate) and juice.

~ likes ~

legos! trains! marble run! coloring! play doh! board games (chutes and ladders, go fish, uno, animal upon animal)!, eating snacks (allll the snacks), playing at the playground, playing hide and seek, playing (and fighting) with azalea, playing dress up, sleeping with mom and dad, being carried, playing with best buddies ewan and bruce, taking showers, super heroes (even though he knows very little about them), his man parts & never ending potty talk.

~ dislikes ~

being told no, having to walk, having to ride in the car, most meals we make for dinner, napping (by choice)  

~ school ~

ashford goes to the community center by our house every monday, wednesday, and friday from 9-12:30. he also goes to the "coworking preschool" 3 times a month. he loves both (despite telling me he doesn't want to go a lot of mornings). his buddy (our neighbor bruce) goes with him to the community center. in the fall we had some rough drop-offs with crying and clinging, but i'm happy to report he's done great for the last few months. i'm glad he still has another school year before kindergarten and that he will be an "older" kindergartner. it will suit his personality well. 

 i was so good about doing cute quotes for azalea at this age and i love going back and reading them because you forget so many of the cute/funny things your kids say when they are little. so, here's my attempt to capture some of ashford's cuteness from the past year, though i'm sure i'm missing a ton:

"apple-tizers" = appetizers

"crossing gardens" = crossing guards

"help me eat this" = any time he has to eat something he doesn't want. azalea did the exact same thing!

"i love you soooooooo much" he tells me this all the time and it's my favorite thing ever!

"do we have to take the highway to get there? do we have to cross the ballard bridge?" he is my little navigator and always wants to know our route to get places

"but i'm thirsty!!!!!" or some un-related complaint to change the subject when i'm disciplining him after he has done something naughty.

"put your hands on your ashfernator" i don't know where he got this from, but it's hilarious.

"teacher treasure" = teacher trevor (his swim teacher)

"last day" = yesterday. azalea used to say this too. i love it.

"mama, do i have blue eye balls?"

one day when he was sick and especially crabby, he saw a pile of his folded clean laundry sitting in the living room and screamed at me, "aren't you going to put those away?!!"

"you are are so sweet and so handsome"

"ah-zaya" how he says azalea's name


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