old friends, downtown adventures, snoqualmie falls hike
we had a great first week back at school after the two week winter break. i love my kids more than anything, but we all function best when we have some time apart and structure and routine in our lives. so it was a happy week :) ashford was a little hesitant about going back to preschool, but he did great. azalea had a great week too. it's funny to see how her view of school is evolving. last year she was thrilled beyond belief to go to school every single day and this year she has turned into a "big kid" who says things like "i wish it was always break!" she likes school, but she's figured out that being home might be a little less work and responsibility than school ;) i was back to volunteering in her class on friday morning, which was fun.
we went into this weekend with no plans. friday night we stayed in. made dinner, got the kids to bed, and thatcher watched a movie while i dinked around on the computer and my phone. romantic!
saturday morning we decided to divide and conquer :) one of my very first friends i made when we moved to seattle, chrissy, has been living in hamburg, germany since march 2016 for her husband's job. they have a little boy named eli who is a couple months younger than ashford. we haven't seen them since they moved, but they were in town for the holidays, so we were able to get together! ashford and i met up with them at seattle center. we got some coffee and treats and then went to the children's museum. it was so fun to catch up! besides the fact that the boys are way older now and didn't even remember each other (ha!), it felt like no time had gone by. best of all, they are moving back to seattle this summer, so it will be fun to get to hang out on a regular basis again. i didn't get the best picture of the boys this time around, but you can see how they've grown compared to the picture on the right from before they moved:
thatcher and azalea spent the morning downtown at the library and chipotle, and in capitol hill for ice cream. azalea is a huge fan of getting one on one time with us these days to the point that she now pouts if we are all going to do something as a family. haha. we stayed home the rest of the day. it was raining and we were all super tired (though the kids would not nap). we scrounged up food from the fridge for dinner and watched "charlie and the chocolate factory". the kids watched the original "willy wonka" at my mom's over break, so they were excited to find the new version on netflix streaming.
sunday morning we hung out at home. i got some groceries for the week. we decided to head out on a little hiking adventure after lunch to snoqualmie falls, which is just under an hour away. we've been to snoqualmie falls about half a dozen times since we moved here, but we had never hiked to the bottom of the falls before. it was 45 degrees and lightly raining, but it was surprisingly very pleasant hiking weather. it was really busy there too! everything was so lush and green (i sometimes forget it's january). the hike down was better than the hike back up. ashford started throwing a tantrum and refused to walk back, so thatcher had to carry him most of the way. it was only 1/2 mile back, but it was almost all up hill. here are some pictures from our afternoon:
we made dinner, the kids had overdue showers, and we relaxed for the rest of the night.