father's day weekend
another weekend has come and gone! this weekend didn't go exactly as planned, but still turned out to be a pretty good one...
friday morning thatcher got to attend the "dads and donuts" father's day event in azalea's classroom. the kids read the cards they wrote, sang a song for all the dads, and enjoyed their treats. here is a picture of azalea's card:

friday night was azalea's school carnival. she was so excited for it! it brought me back to my own school carnival days and how much fun they were, i totally get it :) we headed there when thatcher got home from work, and our friends vanessa and ewan joined us. i was happy to learn that all the games and activities were free - and no pesky tickets needed! the kids did a bean bag toss, the fishing game, petting zoo, and the cupcake walk.

we got hotdogs and sausages for dinner and ice cream for dessert. i had a 30 minute volunteer shift at the fishing booth from 7-7:30, so that was fun! the carnival was held outside on the blacktop next to the playground and it was a little cool out, but the sun was shining. the kids were not happy when it was time to go home, but such is life!

friday night was azalea's school carnival. she was so excited for it! it brought me back to my own school carnival days and how much fun they were, i totally get it :) we headed there when thatcher got home from work, and our friends vanessa and ewan joined us. i was happy to learn that all the games and activities were free - and no pesky tickets needed! the kids did a bean bag toss, the fishing game, petting zoo, and the cupcake walk.

we got hotdogs and sausages for dinner and ice cream for dessert. i had a 30 minute volunteer shift at the fishing booth from 7-7:30, so that was fun! the carnival was held outside on the blacktop next to the playground and it was a little cool out, but the sun was shining. the kids were not happy when it was time to go home, but such is life!
saturday we had planned to go to the solstice parade and naked bike ride (yes really!) in fremont. we went two years ago right after we moved here and it was so fun and quirky. people paint their bodies and ride bikes at the start of the parade. it's a sight to be seen for sure ;) it wasn't until the afternoon, so we spent the morning with the kid's bikes at the school playground. we came home for lunch, then hurried to the bus stop to catch the bus to fremont. we missed the first bus by about 2 minutes, then the next bus was running behind so we had to wait another 15 minutes. when it arrived, it was nearly full and the bus driver wouldn't let anyone at the bus stop board his bus. we were pretty frustrated because there was still standing room. the kids were getting impatient, so we decided to just scrap the trip all together rather than waiting for another bus that might also be full. and we didn't want to drive because parking is a nightmare. womp womp. the kids were upset, but we told them we'd go out for ice cream that afternoon instead. they wanted to play at the ball field for a bit, so we did that and then walked to parfait for ice cream.

we stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get stuff for dinner. we lounged around the rest of the afternoon - azalea fell asleep on the couch for nearly 2 hours, which did not make for a fun bed time. we grilled burgers for dinner and watched "sing!" from redbox.

we stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get stuff for dinner. we lounged around the rest of the afternoon - azalea fell asleep on the couch for nearly 2 hours, which did not make for a fun bed time. we grilled burgers for dinner and watched "sing!" from redbox.
sunday was father's day! thatcher asked if he could go for a day hike with a friend, and it was his special day so of course i obliged. luckily our friends vanessa and ewan were dadless that morning as well, so the kids and i met up with them for donuts at mighty o's (do you think we ate enough sugar this weekend? oy) and a trip to gilman playground. the only picture i took was of these gorgeous roses at the ball field at gilman:

we came home for lunch, played a bunch of board games, then the kids fell asleep on the couch and i let them nap (because apparently i didn't learn my lesson from saturday).
super blurry but too sweet not to include :)
thatcher got home in the late afternoon. here is a picture from his hike:
i escaped alone to the grocery store and then we ate the asian-marinated pulled pork that had been cooking in the crock pot all day for dinner. yum! we gave thatcher his gifts. ashford kept saying "happy valentine's day" to him. haha! we are so lucky he is ours :)

we came home for lunch, played a bunch of board games, then the kids fell asleep on the couch and i let them nap (because apparently i didn't learn my lesson from saturday).
super blurry but too sweet not to include :)
thatcher got home in the late afternoon. here is a picture from his hike:
i escaped alone to the grocery store and then we ate the asian-marinated pulled pork that had been cooking in the crock pot all day for dinner. yum! we gave thatcher his gifts. ashford kept saying "happy valentine's day" to him. haha! we are so lucky he is ours :)
the end of the school year is one week from today! we have a super busy week coming up with two after school picnics (one for azalea's class and one for all kindergarten families). she also has field day on thursday and ashford and i will be at the co-working space two mornings. it's been nothing but 60's and mostly cloudy for the past few weeks, so i'm excited the temps are going to climb back into the 70's again finally!