easter 2015
the kids actually "slept in" on easter (6:30 for ashford - the last 45 minutes spent snuggling in our bed - and 7:00 for azalea). she remembered immediately when she woke up that the easter bunny had come, and bounded out of bed! she discovered the carrots she left him were nibbled on and the milk was gone.
the easter bunny went a bit light this year, but the kids couldn't have been happier. azalea got a little ariel doll with 2 clip on dresses. some strawberry lip stuff (she loves mine) and of course, candy. ashford got goldfish, bunny grahams, and a lion pull toy.
my mom, azalea, and i went to church at 9:30. i decided to leave ashford home with thatcher, so he could take a nap, and i could enjoy the service without having to keep his little busy body entertained for 60+ minutes. it's amazing how well azalea does in church these days. it seems like it was just yesterday i was saying the same about her. it was a really nice service, easter is always one of my favorites...so much hope.
when we got home, we had a few minutes to get all of our stuff together, then headed to my aunt and uncle's house for lunch and the annual easter egg hunt. lunch was delicious: ham, sweet potatoes, asparagus, carrots, beans, rolls, salad, and dessert. i tried to get a couple picture of these two monkeys and this is how that went:
i also have to include this one for good measure:
it was sunny while we were eating, then it clouded over when it was time for the egg hunt outside. it was only about 45 degrees and windy. not the nicest. but we still had fun!
azalea was the first one to find all of her eggs :)
once we were done and back inside to warm up. the sun came out again. of course. we hung out at their house for a while longer then headed home for nap time. both kids slept for nearly two hours, which was awesome! we ate a "snack" dinner and then went over to thatchers' parents for dessert and to hang out with them and his sister and our nephew. it was a busy and fun day. hope you had a good day celebrating, as well!