my sweet girl, you are four years old today! how in the world...?! every year seems to be going by faster than the last with you. i have to admit, this past year has been the hardest one yet with you, you've challenged me in ways i didn't even know were possible. but your love is so infectious that any frustrations i feel toward you are instantly melted away with a kiss or a hug or a snuggle. you've taught me so much about unconditional love this year. you've become so independent and head-strong. i can only assume i'm seeing a glimpse of the confident woman you will be one day. getting to watch you grow up is such a gift and i cannot imagine my life with out you. i try not to get too sad about you growing older because it's inevitable and i'm so lucky to have a front row seat for it. thank you for being you and for loving me the way you do. you will always be my baby!
12 months of azalea
i didn't think your appearance had changed all that much from 3 to 4, but just looking at this look much older!