instagram friday

good morning! i'm getting my weekend started early because azalea's home daycare is closed today. no complaints from me! i'm happy to take a nice may friday off to spend with my girl. :) you know what else i have no complaints about? the passing of the gay marriage bill in minnesota. i'm so proud of my state and so happy for the thousands of beautiful couples and families who will no longer be treated as second class citizens. this is shaping up the be a pretty fun weekend. tomorrow i'm attending a blogger yoga class (yes, seriously!) and sunday is mother's day and dinner out with friends. now onto my instagrams from the week: 

 fun at the children's museum last weekend 

feverish girl...luckily it passed quickly 

rocking the heating pad after throwing my back out

morning walk with maggie (thatcher's parents' dog) 

my co-worker made this after i successfully eliminated
my "umms" 
from a presentation i was practicing :) 


Sally said…
Impressive Um-reducing job... I'm sure you sounded extremely knowledgeable and professional.

Enjoy your day with your girl! Have a great Mother's Day!
ajs {of MN} said…
Happy wknd! Um, I love the ummm count! LoL
Sarah said…
Have a great Mother's Day!
Diana said…
LOVE the Ummm chart! Great visual! See you in the AM!

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