roomie reunion in brainerd

i had a fantastic weekend! i spent it in brainerd with 3 of my favorite girls in the world, my college roomates. a little background: heidi was the original college roomate. we were randomly assigned to each other in the dorms at umd and we hit it off immediately. i was the city girl and she came from a small town (of 350!) in southern mn. sarah lived down the hall from us and she was our honorary roomate that year. the 3 of us spent a lot of time together. 

our sophomore year, we decided to live in an on-campus apartment. we failed to find a 4th person to live with us, so we had to leave it up to the housing gods :) enter kaylee, the cutest little freshmen you have ever seen, all the way from missouri. for the next 3 years we all lived together (2 years at the apartment and one year in a house off-campus). most everyone else i know went through roomates like they were going out of style, but us? we stuck together!

now we are all spread out and only see each other a few times a year, if that. heidi is married with a 2 year old boy, and a baby boy on the way, and lives in brainerd. sarah only lives about a half hour from me now, which is exciting because i get to see her a lot more often. and kaylee moved down to lincoln, ne for a job after college. whew, that was a lot of background! 

i arrived in brainerd on friday evening, and gave dane his birthday present (he turned two last week).

kaylee helping dane open his present

that night we just ordered pizza and hung out. 
saturday morning we got ready to head out for some boating and shopping in nisswa.

dane is so funny. he loves putting on mommy's make up. i'll be sure to show him these pictures when he is 15 :) 

we went to a cute coffee shop for breakfast. they had the most amazing scones!

here are the four of us. aren't we a colorful bunch? :) 

after breakfast, we planned to go on heidi's in-law's boat for most of the day. it was sunny when we got on the lake, but that was short-lived.

kaylee and sarah cruising 

within a half hour, the skies were looking ominous, so we decided to go back.

packing up!

right when we pulled into the boat slip, it started to pour! heidi's hubby was nice enough to go get the car, so we could stay dry.

it started raining really hard! we were cracking up! 

then, when we got in the car, there weren't enough seats, so kaylee had to sit in dane's car seat (dane was not with us).

clearly we were amused by this :) 

after the failed boating attempt, the rain let up so we headed back to nisswa to go in some of the cute shops and have lunch. while eating outside at a&w, it started to rain, then hail marble size chunks! luckily we were under a metal structure.

hello, hail!

after shopping we went back to heidi's in-law's cabin and played with dane for a while. the weather report for the rest of the day was pretty threatening, so we spent the evening hanging out at heidi and chad's and watching twilight and new moon. 

sunday morning, kaylee had to head out of town because she had a 9 hour drive!

here we all are before kaylee hit the road.

heidi and dane in the driveway. dane likes wearing mommy's shoes just as much as her make up :) 

sarah, heidi, and i went to christmas point for a little shopping. it's this really neat, 3 story home decor and clothing boutique in town. it also has a cafe with really good food! i left in the early afternoon, and made a little pit-stop at the albertville outlet mall. omyword i could live at that place. i picked up a tank top and a cute dress, so overall i didn't do too much damage. 

i'm so happy these girls are in my life. i can't believe i've known them for almost 8 years now! 


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