hello 26

it's my birthday today! yep, i was almost a july 4th baby. i love having my birthday around the 4th (except for the fact that a lot of people tend to go out of town). it's fun! 

i'm going out for birthday lunch with some girls in uptown this afternoon and then having a bonfire with the neighbors tonight. thatcher is making me a cake. i'm a lucky girl! 

this is the part where you come in, dear reader. consider the following your birthday gift to me. ;) if you are reading this, will you please leave me a comment and say hi? i'm really curious who actually reads this thing. and to all the shy people out there....i'm a
huge blog lurker myself. so, i don't care if i talk to you every day, haven't talked to you in 5 years, or haven't even met you. will you humor me and leave a comment? :) (you don't need an account to comment)

thanks! have a good 4th!


Marketing Mama said…
Happy Birthday! Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving music recs! :) Nice to meet you!

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