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 last monday ashford was home from school. i tend to take it easy on my kids' sick days as well. i watched 'a man called otto' and gave him lots of snuggles while he slept. he was way sicker than when he had covid in august.  tuesday ashford was home from school again. but he was on the up and up, so we were hopeful for a return to school on wednesday. i mentioned a while back that thatcher's aunt and uncle were going to be in town from alaska last week (as part of a longer trip to OR/WA). they were going to stay with us for two nights, but we let them know over the weekend that ashford was sick and they opted to get a hotel instead. a bummer all around with the timing of this sickness, but what can you do? tuesday evening, a doctor called from urgent care to tell us that ashford's 72 hour strep test was positive! we had 40 mins before the pharmacy closed, so thatcher dashed over there to pick up the antibiotics. the doctor said he could go to school on wednesday

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